Monday, February 6, 2012

What are the best restaurants to work for in San Diego?

I don't have any restaurant experience. I guess I can start off as hostess. Where should I look I look into?What are the best restaurants to work for in San Diego?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
aww i forgot the name of it but the one where you get to be rude to the customers sounds like fun!!What are the best restaurants to work for in San Diego?
well i think out back stake house it is like 30min from where i live i work there they are hiring
I have woked as a server for Chilis. I would go there!
The ones like Mr. A's and Ruths Chris Steak House. The servers there make a career out of serving at these places. The menu prices are high, and they have full bars with top notch alcohol and extensive wine lists.; and that makes for darn good tips.
Work in busy restaurants if you want good tips. But then again, hostess don't get tips. Only waitress get tips. Become a bartender if you want good tips.
I had dinner at Island Prime near the airport a couple of weeks ago, and the waiter could NOT say enough good about the owner/Chef Debra Scott! It is also a pretty high end restaurant, so I imagine the tips are very good as well. Debra Scott has two other restaurants that I know of in San Diego as well. Both are delicious and seem to have happy and proficient wait staff: Indigo Grill in Little Italy, and Kemo Sabe in Hillcrest.
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